6 Opportunities You Gain by Going Through a Breakup

Heartache offers valuable gifts, if you know what to look for

Sondra Rose Marie
4 min readJan 20, 2021
Photo by Toni Reed on Unsplash

Breakups are hard. It doesn’t matter if ending it was the right choice, if the split was a long time coming, or if you’ve lost a friend instead of a romantic partner— whatever the details, cutting your connection to another person feels bad.

This, in itself, is not news. Because breaking up is such a universal experience, the stories around it never get old. As a society, we’ve obsessed over vulnerable breakup songs and gotten lost in the on-screen sagas of broken-hearted protagonists. We’ve even created standard rituals for grieving our former partners, including drunken nights out with friends and sobbing into tubs of ice cream.

In the midst of a breakup, it’s hard to see anything beyond the loss. Grieving is painful, and every action seems to trigger the memory of a relationship that doesn’t exist anymore. But, even in the worst endings, there are flashes of hope. Because here’s the thing: breakups clear the way for Future You. Each step along the path to healing helps you grow stronger, wiser, and happier. In that sense, breaking up gives us six valuable gifts:

  1. A moment to reflect
    If a relationship ends because of a character flaw on your part, consider it a flashing neon…



Sondra Rose Marie

I write about things people don't bring up in polite conversation: race, death, mental health, and so much more ✨ www.srmcreative.co