Five Ways to Cope When Your World Feels Like It’s Ending

Sondra Rose Marie
4 min readSep 30, 2019
Image by Pexels from Pixabay

I like to take big swings. I’ve quit my job and moved across the country on credit, relocated to a foreign country without speaking the language, and moved my partner into my tiny studio apartment two months after we got together.

Often these big risks result in big rewards. But sometimes they don’t. Sometimes, in the midst of the chaos I’ve stirred up, everything gets murky and I can’t tell up from down. I struggle to find my way. If clarity doesn’t arrive as soon as I need it, it starts to feel as if the world is ending. Despite the heaviness in my heart, the guilt, the fear, and the frazzled nerves, not once when I’ve felt this way has the world actually ended.

The truth is that the stressful moment that feels like an ending frequently turns out to be a new beginning. You might think that this knowledge would be enough to avoid the pain, guilt, fear, and stress the next time life gets hairy, but that’s not how life works. In the midst of the murkiness, the lack of direction is suffocating. You begin to wonder: is this the one time the world actually ends?

It isn’t. But just knowing that isn’t always enough to make it feel true. So I’ve come up with five different ways to cope when everything feels like it’s falling apart.

  1. Talk to Someone
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Sondra Rose Marie

I write about things people don't bring up in polite conversation: race, death, mental health, and so much more ✨