Post, Publish, or Upload That Thing You’ve Been Too Scared to Share

Do it today

Sondra Rose Marie
3 min readDec 30, 2022
Photo by Bansah Photography on Unsplash

I have a mean case of burnout. Between work, homemaking, relationships, a side hustle, and trying to heal some deep-seated trauma, I’m kinda spent.

I spent most of last week limping to the finish line for my winter break. As of 5 pm Thursday, I have eleven glorious days where I don’t have to log in to work and check emails or respond to slack pings. I can breathe... Well, kinda.

I have the millennial mental health starter pack: depression, anxiety, and ADHD. Sprinkle in a dash of perfectionism and a pinch of workaholic tendencies and you’ve got the full picture of what I’m working with. Unfortunately, all this means that I spent the first five hours after my winter break began stressing about going back to work. I worried about all the things I wanted to/needed to accomplish over break and suddenly, those eleven days felt way too short. How would I deep clean the house, revamp the kitchen and bathroom, clean out my closet, plan my content for 2023, read my to-be-read book pile, and write while relaxing, enjoying the holidays, and catching up with family? It just doesn’t seem possible!

So I stressed. I stressed so hard, that I became overwhelmed to the point that I couldn’t do anything but mindlessly scroll TikTok and berate myself for…



Sondra Rose Marie

I write about things people don't bring up in polite conversation: race, death, mental health, and so much more ✨