Three Reasons Why You Need a Vision Board

Yes, even in 2020

Sondra Rose Marie
3 min readAug 9, 2020
Photo by Andy Art on Unsplash

For years I regarded my yearly vision boards with the utmost reverence. On my birthday, I’d clear a day, order Thai, dig into my collection of old magazines, and start crafting. It became my chosen way to say goodbye to one year and hello to the next.

When I had my great falling out with the self-help community, I stopped my yearly tradition. Like an angry teenager, I rebelled, eschewing most of the self-help practices I’d adopted. It’s only now, as I’m intentionally addressing my mental health, that I’ve turned back to the practices that made a real difference for me in the past.

If you are feeling down (and, let’s be real: in 2020, we’re all a little bit down,) vision boards are one of the most accessible and satisfying projects to do. You don’t have to leave the house, interact with others, or even put on pants if you don’t want to. Aside from the fact that you can work on them while listening to your favorite album or binging a series on Netflix, vision boards have three major benefits:

1. In order to make a vision board, you have to know what you want.

The first power of a vision board is that it forces you to ask yourself, What do I want to change in my life? One year from today, what do I



Sondra Rose Marie

I write about things people don't bring up in polite conversation: race, death, mental health, and so much more ✨