Why the New Voice in My Head is Actually a Good Sign

My subconscious gave me exactly what I needed

Sondra Rose Marie
4 min readSep 13, 2021
Photo by Leighann Blackwood on Unsplash

Back in 2013, before a somewhat-racist Bubbly Blonde Life Coach turned me off of modern self-help culture, I was a super fan of The Desire Map author Danielle LaPorte. LaPorte’s work had an immensely powerful and positive impact on my life, and I voraciously read each issue of her newsletter as soon as it hit my inbox.

There was one issue, in March 2013, that has stuck with me through the years (yes, it is still saved in a special Gmail folder.) In it, LaPorte recounts traveling to India to meet the Dalai Lama. Just before the trip, there’d been a shocking murder of — and perpetrated by — monks. As her group discussed this with the Dalai Lama he explained that, “This is why we practice.” LaPorte went on to explain that we must practice compassion, forgiveness, strength, and faith in our every day lives so that in the big, life-altering moments, all of that practice provides us the inner fortitude we need to navigate through.

At the time of LaPorte’s trip, I consumed anything that might help me build the life I imagined. I was new to Los Angeles, embarking on a new career as a bartender, and fresh out of my first real earth-shattering relationship. I was starting over in every sense of the word and I was overwhelmed by the…



Sondra Rose Marie

I write about things people don't bring up in polite conversation: race, death, mental health, and so much more ✨ www.srmcreative.co